Sunday, March 10, 2019


Today was a lazy day.  Spring Break officially starts tomorrow, and while I have quite the to do list ahead of me, I took the time to just rest for a bit. I went to church, which I enjoyed more than I can remember for a long time, and then I came home with my whole afternoon/evening ahead of me with nothing critically important to do. I have decided that there is nothing quite as indulgent as an afternoon nap.  Mine was longer than I had intended, and I probably thoroughly messed up my sleep schedule and will have to pay that piper, but it felt SO GOOD!  Then I played a game on my iPad for a little bit and actually read a book for fun.  I wasn't sure if I'd remember how to read for fun!   Overall a nice "recharge" day for the busy week ahead of me. 


  1. Love this recharge day - I missed my nap today (too busy commenting), but this is my last comment for the challenge. Have a relaxing spring break!

  2. I thought I left a comment, but it didn't show up. Afternoon nap and reading a book for fun are lovely ways to recharge. Hope you manage to find a bit of time to relax during your upcoming busy Spring break.

    1. That was my oppsy. I was looking at published comments and not the ones waiting for approval, thinking I was looking at those waiting. I've been blogging for awhile now, and moderating my comments. You would think I would know!

  3. Sounds like you had a restful, lovely beginning of break! Glad you were able to unwind a bit!
