Monday, March 11, 2019

Being An Adult

I am inordinately proud of myself today.  I am extremely non-confrontational.  I am a people pleaser and just want everyone to be happy--often at my expense.  I have had an issue in my personal life that has actually been causing me to lose sleep.  Even worse, it has caused bad feelings towards someone I like quite a bit.  Rather than addressing issues head-on, I've been letting them fester.  So today enough was enough.  I decided to use this issue as a growth opportunity and finally had that hard conversation.  And it turns out, it wasn't so hard after all!  The problem is resolved, at least for now, and I know that if something comes up in the future it is better to address it with clarity.  As my friend told me going into this, "clarity is kindness."


  1. Bravo! It is so uncomfortable to have those conversations.

  2. Glad it turned out better than you expected.

  3. Congratulations! I'm very much the same - introverted, plus a people pleaser, but as I get older I keep having to remind myself that I need to have those difficult conversations. Like you said, it's not usually as hard as it seems.

  4. There are many days when I don't want to be an adult, and I feel like the dog in your meme!
