Sunday, April 22, 2018

Puns and Unicycles

I hold a great appreciation for the pun.  The dumber, the better.  I especially like it when I think of a really so-bad-it's-good one myself and crack myself up.  Which leads me to yesterday...

I was reflecting on my life, as I am wont to do at times.  This time I was thinking about the circle of my life.  In high school and college, I was hopelessly awkward and rarely went on dates.  When I went out, it was often as the third wheel.  Somehow I managed to get married (a miracle that baffles me even after the demise of said marriage), and it was good-bye third wheel.  Which was pretty nice.  Third is really not an enviable position to be in.  So then I started down the pity path yet again, and the thought popped in my head that now I'm third wheel again.  Immediately, my silly side derailed that train of thought because the next thought was, "No, you're not a third wheel.  You're a unicycle!"  Now, to some that might sound like a depressing thought, but I seriously laughed at my silly punniness with that one.  And then promptly took my unicycle self out to see Black Panther.  It turns out, the unicycle life has its perks.  One is that you don't have to work around anyone's schedule or wants but your own.  I hadn't seen the movie yet but wanted to.  It was a Saturday night.  So what was stopping me? 

This actually brought me to a moment of awareness of healing.  It caused another reflection of the last time I tried going to a movie alone.  I was in the midst of the divorce process and fighting against it HARD--and hitting a pretty painful brick wall now known as the ex.  I was working in a school, and at that time all anyone was talking about was the movie Frozen.  I really wanted to see it but had no one to see it with.  I decided that I needed to learn to do things alone anyway, so I went.  It was a disaster.  I was the only childless adult there, and I cried the whole time.  I was a wreck!  And I never went to a movie alone for the next 4 years.

Last night was my first new attempt.  I went to a church youth fundraiser for dinner and then left early to catch the movie.  I enjoyed every minute of it.  Well...almost every minute.  There were some political anvils I didn't care for very much.  But putting that aside, I am a big fan of the comic book movie, and this one did not disappoint.  And being an action movie, it got my blood pumping a bit so I decided upon getting home at 10:00 pm I should put that to good use and get a short spin workout in.  So I did.  Very not my usual weekend activity/bedtime, but it worked for me.  I was so proud of myself.  This really was quite a milestone for me.  And I get to do it all again this next weekend when I go see Infinity War.  I thought about seeing if any of my friends wanted to go, but tickets are actually a bit hard to come by right now, and I REALLY must know who is dies RIGHT AWAY!  So score a point for the single ticket...much easier to buy than a pair or group...Unicycle for the win!

1 comment:

  1. I love the unicycle realization. ...and ACTION about it!!
