Monday, January 15, 2018

Obstacles In My Way...To The Bathroom

Thanks to some bad weather and a school cancellation, I actually have some time to look at my blog was my last post in November?  Is that even possible???  I really need to find a regular time to do this...

It's time to get real about one of the less polite realities of life:  the inconvenience of having to go to the bathroom.  Especially when at a movie.  For some reason, my bladder has the uncanny ability to know when I'm at a movie and decides that's a problem. Every. Single. Time.  I can drink nothing for hours beforehand.  I will still need to interrupt my movie.  I can go before leaving the house and right when I get there and still, movie interrupted.  Of course, this doesn't happen at home when "pause" is an option.  Nope.  Only at the movie theater.  And always about 3/4 of the way through.  So the exciting part.

Recently I went to see "Jumanji" with my mom.  Of course, at the final climactic scene (about 30 minutes to the end), that familiar sensation hit.  I refused to give in.  I literally sat at the edge of my seat and danced in it up until the end.  The credits hit, and I shot up.  People were standing and chatting to my left.  Okay, that's the fastest way to the door but the right is an option as well.  I look to my right.  Same.  Frustration and fear of impending disaster started to bubble up.  I resolved not to give in--a solution would be found!  I (politely) pushed my way through the people on my right--including my mother--and practically ran down the steps.

From there I still had a turn to the left and a bit of a walk to get to the door.  I made that turn and saw, again, a crowd of people causally talking and SLOWLY walking to the door.  Whatever.  I'm a small person and am actually quite adept at weaving in a crowd of people.  I can find all the small spaces to squeeze through.  Seriously.  Ask my roommate.  She and her boyfriend were impressed at a concert we went to together.  ANYWAY, I get down there, start plotting out my path, and a lady pulled out her walker.  Her walker!!! In my way!!!  I can't run the risk of mowing down an older woman with a walker!  So I continued my potty dance until I could find a way around this mindfield.  And find it I did.  Until...

I turn into the bathroom and see a line.  Of children.  I don't think there was an adult in that line.  At this point I really was courting disaster.  I REALLY wanted to run those kids over to get to the front of the line.  I was so close to doing it.  Then I thought of how that would look on the news.  "Teacher of Children Maims Them Rushing to the Front of the Line."  Not good.  I am pretty sure my posture looked like a balloon that just popped.  All the air rushed out of me and I just sagged with the weight of my fate.  Then I turned around...

And angels started singing.  All the lights in the hallway dimmed except one:  the one that says "Restrooms" at the other end of the small theater.  The air was back in my balloon.  I practically skipped my way over to the line-less bathroom.  And I am happy to report, this story had a happy ending!

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